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Quantum Table Energy Healing

( For individuals and enterprises, also physical spaces)

  • 1 h
  • 70 US dollars

Service Description

Quantum Table The Quantum Table is a vibrational healing technique tool that uses the principles of sacred geometry, radiesthesia (energy detection) and radionics (energy transmutation) in combination with the will power of Healer, the client ‘s and healing angelic energies. During the session the table reader will detect the energetic state of the client and will transmute those energies that are in disharmony bringing about energy cleansing and balancing. The table itself is a printed board with Sacred Geometry Symbols and other tools coded into it. This allows the Client and Healer to tap into their higher Selves (Super Conscious Mind or Divine I AM Presence) healing capabilities and to the Universal Consciousness or Akashic Field. The objective is to help the clients to access their own Inner Light, removing obstacles and limitations that might prevent them to live their lives to the fullest. Benefits: • Remove blockages (conscious or subconscious)- from present or past • Spiritual and Energetic Clearing (Energetic implants, magic entities, chips, astral parasites, Emotional ties, curses, etc.) • Ancestral healing • Healing and expansion of heart center • Balance energy centers • Spiritual development • Measurement of emotional, mental and vital frequency

Cancellation Policy

To cancel or reschedule please contact us 24 hours prior to appointment. A full refund is issued upon cancellation. Thanks!

Contact Details

1- (603) 501-9670

20 Commerce Park North, Bedford, NH, USA Suite 102

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