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Astrology & Numerology Chart Readings

  • 1 h
  • 70 US dollars

Service Description

When we are born each of us come with a unique Astrological Chart, which is based on the exact time, date, and place of our birth, and is unique to us. Your birth chart is essentially like a photograph of the heavens at the time you were born and serves as a cosmic path map so you can better understand and shape your journey on earth. Examples of what an Astrological chart can indicate: • Your life purposes • Career path that suits your best • Your patterns in relationships • How you best handle your finances • Your karmic lessons and how to overcome them • How the energy of planets and their positions affect your personality and energy • Your strengths and weaknesses Numerology Based on your name and data of birth it is possible to determine your life path and destiny divided in 3 main phases in life as well as the challenges that you might face during those times. Also using numerology makes it easy to identify the vibration of your name and signature and the impact that these vibrations have in your daily live, activities and relationships.

Cancellation Policy

To cancel or reschedule please contact us 24 hours prior to appointment. A full refund is issued upon cancellation. Thanks!

Contact Details

1- (603) 501-9670

20 Commerce Park North, Bedford, NH, USA Suite 102

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