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The Power of the NOW

Updated: May 5, 2021

Right now you breathe. Imagine that without air you wouldn't be here to read this blog.

The air you breathe invisible to your eyes is responsible for your existence.

The various organs in your body need a magical liquid, the liquid of life, called water ,which makes up most of the planet.

Without water your organs would not be able to function and you could not live.

The food coming from the earth and small seeds miraculously turn into life and nourish the fauna and certainly you. Without it you would not survive.

Conditioned to think that we are constantly "in need of something", we forget the miracle of life.

Life is truly a miracle and you are its miracle.

In life, all the experiences, situations and people we know, every story we go through is a miracle! Without the support of the various elements that conspire and insist on keeping us alive we would never be able to experience it.

"Others" are essential pieces in our journey of progress and learning, yet we often think we still have enemies.

Difficulties appear on a daily basis and we feel we are victims of the moment.

We do not observe the miracle that keeps us in this experience from where we started as a child and came out truly wise.

Even those who already revered us with their legacies, which we often take for granted without remembering all their sacrifices and efforts so that we can be present, are forgotten.

I think the time has come for us be thankful.

We need to thank and acknowledge that it is only due to everything above and much more that we exist at all.

Only from here can we make a difference. This is the hour and no other.

It is at this moment that we give back, existing with all the strength we have been given:

The strength of our being, the strength of our life , the power of the NOW.

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