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My Background

I was born and raised in the exotic country of Brazil, South America. Since an early age, I was presented with countless and profound spiritual teachings and experiences from my spiritual guides. They showed me my very own path of compassion and servitude to mankind.  


Exposed to many respectful and sacred lines of spiritual studies, together with practical techniques of energy and spiritual healing, I followed my own heart desire and became a Holistic Healer and Spiritual Teacher. My purpose is bringing relief and light for those who seek it.


As destiny dictates, I am currently situated in the beautiful state of New Hampshire, USA, performing professionally since 2013.

Image by Robert Nyman

My Approach

My approach to healing is completely holistic seeing each individual as an unique expression of the divine presence on earth and with an equivalent unique healing and learning path, experiences and needs.

A psychic and spiritual assessment of the present moment is performed for each session and  specific healing techniques are applied.

Massage bed
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